NIIT Company
NIIT was set up in 1981 by young Indian entrepreneurs. NIIT has pioneered the concept of high quality IT education in India and has trained one out of every three software professionals in the country. In 1982, NIIT set up education centres in Mumbai, Delhi, and Madras and followed them up with one in Bangalore in 1983. In the same year NIIT introduced Corporate training programs. In 1991, NIIT set up its first overseas office in US. In the same year IBM awarded NIIT its first CBT assignment. By 2000, NIIT has software operation in 18 countries. In 2001, NIIT was conferred Microsoft's 'Best Training Company Award'. In 2002, NIIT acquired three companies in the US and launched NIIT SmartServe for Business Process Management. In 2003, NIIT achieved CMMi Level 5 for software business. In 2004, NIIT's Global Solutions Business was spun off into NIIT Technologies Limited. NIIT Limited provides information technology (IT) learning solutions for individuals, enterprises, schools, and colleges worldwide. The company offers instructor-led training, computer-based training, and e-learning programs, which include GNIIT for IT careers; NIIT Edgeineers' for engineering graduates and IT professionals; NIIT NetworkLABS, a program on networking and infrastructure management; degrees in alliance with universities; SWIFT for Internet and IT literacy; board exam preparation solutions; bioinformatics and educational technology programs; executive management programs for working professionals; and training programs for financial services sector. The company now has a bank of 195 educational multimedia titles created in-house which places it among the six largest educational multimesdia developers in the world. It is among the first 20 global majors to receive Multimedia Supercorridor Status in Malaysia. This transition up the value-chain has been managed very effectively with the company managing excellent growth in all its business segments. The management has a big emphasis on quality. All the aspects of NIIT’s business have ISO 9000 certifications. The company is now busy implementing Crosby’s Complete Quality Management System at all its locations to provide high-quality, zero-defect service to all its customers. NIIT is the first company in India to adapt the Economic Value Added (EVA) concept as a measure of corporate performance. Around four hundred front-line managers at NIIT have been trained in EVA to extract maximum resource productivity at their respective business areas.